Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Whocast #46 - 03.28.06

Today, I am briefly reviewing "Rose"
But first, I catch up on some news for the week: The 2nd Season premieres Saturday, April 15 on BBC1; some more casting updates; more Award nominations for Doctor Who.

I am also reposting the link for my first review of "Rose" back from my 1st podcast, "The Comic Geeks", Episode 13 (How appropriate). Take a listen and see how I went through the show almost scene by scene.

Keep the feedback coming both emails and audio. Don't forget the deadline for Contests #1 & 2 tomorrow @ 5pm CST. I have a lot of entries and lots of correct answers to make for a FANTASTIC contest.

Talk to ya tomorrow!




Anonymous said...

Just noticed that the beeb have updated their website!!

"Somethings Coming"

Can't wait!!!!! Where did you get the April 15th date from?

Michael Hickerson said...

Hey Tom!

Just wanted to let you know Sarah and I have some new commentaries up over at Two Insane Fans.
