Friday, June 24, 2005

Sorry, No Podcast Tonight

Sorry, Folks!

Been an extremely busy week and haven't had the chance to put together the review for "Forest of Fear" I do have this weekend off from work and should be able to get something together tomorrow or Sunday. I'll definitely have something by Monday.

In the meantime, please visit The Sci-Fi Podcast Network. As stated before, I am honored to be a charter member of this network. There are many fantastic podcasts listed there as well as a forum page for all of us. I will post a poll question related to the latest podcast there and would encourage you to vote.

I'm also working on putting together a Intro Podcast Feed for new listeners. Any suggestions or thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Here are all the links to The Sci-Fi Podcast Network.
Main Page -
Podcast Who's Intro Page -
Podcast Who's Forum Page -

Thanks again for your understanding and your patience!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Whocast #13b - 06.22.05

Here is the 2nd part of our review of "The Parting of the Ways"

We are also very proud to be a Charter Member of The Sci-Fi Podcast Network.
Please visit the site at

More information to come!


Whocast #13a - 06.21.05

Reviewing The Series Finale - The Parting of the Ways

Great Episode - 4 TARDIS out of 5

Can't get all of it into 1 podcast, so I'm splitting it up into two (just like the episode)
Whocast 13b will be out tomorrow.


P.S. Happy Birthday to my sister, Chelle!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Please be patient, Whocast #13 coming tonight

Sorry for the delay. You now how life gets in the way of things.

Whocast#13 will be coming out tonight reviewing the final episode of this first series, "The Parting of Ways"

Look forward to talking to you about it!


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Whocast #12 - 06.18.05

Your theories/picks as to who is "Bad Wolf":

#1 = Davros/Emperor Dalek - Most Obvious - Since at the end of Sylvester McCoy's episode, "Rememberance of the Daleks", we saw Davros as the Emperor Dalek, it could very well be him.
Lady Ozma's theory about Colin Baker's episode, "The Revelation of the Daleks" and the Game Spot contestants as to how they got half a million Daleks, is entriguing and very plausible.

#2 = Tied for K-9 and The Valeyard - Since these are not as obvious, I say they both have a great chance of coming true. You all have some great theories for K-9, just being mad that his own spin-off was cancelled as to mine tying him into the destruction of Gallifrey. The Valeyard (Evil incarnation of the Doctor) is another great theory. He was last (and only) seen in the Colin Baker final season of "The Trial of a Time Lord" He was an amalgam of himself, somewhere between his 12th and final incarnation. Quite possible!

#3 = The Master - The Doctor's "Best Enemy" We haven't heard from him since the Paul McGann movie, but he has been in the novelizations and Big Finish Audios. Probable, but unlikely, since RTD stated that he didn't have the Master written in for this series. That, however, doesn't mean that he is lying?!?

#4 = A former companion = Jo Grant? Sarah Jane Smith? Turlough? or how about Adric coming back from the dead? Possible, but highly unlikely.

#5 = A new villain tied into this season = I think that this is the most likely route that RTD would go. This is my theory! I discuss on the podcast that I think that it could be the Editor from "The Long Game" who was not killed in the destruction of the Jagrafas, but was in fact a "HUMAN" Dalek, similar to Lady Ozma's theory, but in human form. (Something that the writers for the new Battlestar Galactica have done with the Cylons.) I also mentioned that it could very possibly be Henry Van Statten, from Episode 6, "Dalek." He regained his memory and access to his technology to get revenge on the Doctor. This was an "Eureka!' moment for me as I was doing the podcast, but another epiphany came upon me as I was writing this post. "Bad Wolf" is ADAM!!! He has to most to gain for revenge upon the Doctor. His fate was too easily written off at the end of the "Long Game" He has the spike port in his head and could have used some of the knowledge gleaned from Satellite Five's computers to regain make some money, escavate Van Statten's catacombs, retrieve and utilize the Cyberman's and Dalek technologies to recreate the Daleks and have his final revenge upon those who abandoned him on Earth. WOW! I should see what exactly I put in my iced tea this morning and get some more! A very wild theory, but entirely plausible in the recesses of my mind.

Let me know your thoughts and enjoy "The Parting of Ways"

We'll talk to you on Monday!


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Whocast Special Edition #1 - 06.16.05

Welcome to Special Edition #1

Just reading all the great emails, postings and comments from this past week.
And I'm gearing up for Saturday's Finale.



Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Whocast #11 - 06.14.05

Reviewing "Bad Wolf".


We see the culmination of the entire series coming to a head here in this episode to be finalized this Saturday in the final episode "The Parting of Ways" We see references from the Jon Pertwee and Sylvester McCoy eras, we see how the Doctor's meddling in time and events can come back to haunt him, we see Jack - naked.

Email me or post your guess on who "Bad Wolf" really is. I'll put the results and odds up Friday night before the show airs on Saturday. I'll also reveal who I think "Bad Wolf" may be on Friday's podcast also.

Until then...BE A PURIST...AVOID THE INTERNET (except for this podcast)!!!

(O.K. Take a look at Mickey's site also for his feelings on last week's adventure)


View the shownotes in HTML or OPML.


As the BBC Official Doctor Who website stated this week...STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!!

I FULLY AGREE WITH THEM (except for listening to this podcast!)

With the final episode of Doctor Who coming up this Saturday, there is bound to be leaks as to the identity of "Bad Wolf" and the ending of the series. We will cover some of these things on tonight's podcast, but I encourage all of you not to delve into any spoilers about the series, as it will definitely spoil all the hard work that Russell T. Davies put into this series and this storyline.

It will definitely make Saturday all that more enjoyable.

Thanks for letting me put in my 2¢ worth!


Friday, June 10, 2005

Whocast #10 - 06.10.05

Reviewing 2nd Episode of 10,000 B.C - The Cave of Skulls
This is the very first video podcast that I have attempted. It did take me over 5 hours to create, so if I can't get the creation time down, then it may be the last one.

I even shaved for this podcast.

Let me know what you think.


UPDATED 06/24/05
Here is the link to the video feed only!


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Whocast #9 - 06.07.05

Reviewing Episode #10 - Boom Town

Giving this one - 4 TARDIS out of 5 - Starting to tie up all the loose ends from the series.

Lots of sound clips and history in this podcast. Also email from you listeners as well as our very 1st audio comment. Links to websites to visit in the shownotes.


View the shownotes in HTML or OPML.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Whocast #8 - 06.03.05

Finally got around reviewing "The Unearthly Child" - Episode 1

I wanted to try something new with these reviews of the original series. I think you'll like the format, but it still isn't up to the quality that I would like it to be.

When the In-Laws leave, I'll be better prepared and equipped for the next review.
Thanks for all the email and comments - please keep them coming.

Here's that link to the Wikipedia page on Doctor Who


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Whocast #2a finally fixed

Looks like I finally got Whocast 2a fixed on the site and everyone should be able to access it.

Beware that the audio quality is poor, due to the fact I recorded it on my iTalk/iPod in the car on a trip to Wisconsin, but that's the way I originally did it.
