Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Whocast Special Edition #4 - 10.19.05

Welcome to Special Edition #4.

I am going over a majority of the news that hit the Doctor Who world this week.

First and foremost, the announcement of a Doctor Who Spin-off series - Torchwood.

Now we know why Captain Jack is not able to rejoin the T.A.R.D.I.S. crew in Series Two. That's because he is running an investigation bureau in Cardiff. Read the official BBC Press Release here, Outpost Gallifrey's stories here and here, and the Official Doctor Who website story here.

There is a lot more news that I cover, including what Christopher Eccleston has too say about him quitting because he was "exhausted" - read here.

Also vote for Doctor Who as Best Drama, Christopher Eccleston as Best Actor and Billie Piper as Best Actress in the 2005 National Television Awards. Vote Daily...Vote Often!!

A number of listeners' podcasts and website have been forwarded to me and I am now putting them in them in a special link section on the left. The links have been separated into Doctor Who Links and Listener's/Contributor's Links.

Michael Hickerson and Sarah Hadley's Commentaries are now on a formal webpage where you can listen to them at your leisure. Two Insane Fans - The "Waldorf and Statler" of Fan Commentary

Sean Huxter's incredible Photostory, "Doctor Who - The Second Key" is a site everyone who listens to this Whocast is required to visit. It is too good to be passed over...Go there NOW!!!

Another website, "Doctor Who's Tragical History" was passed on to me by a listener. Please take a look.

Other than the items above, it's been a pretty boring week.

See ya in the videocast later this week!


Monday, October 17, 2005

Whocast #31 - 10.17.05

All photos are ©2003 Big Finish Productions

Finally Reviewing Doctor Who Unbound #2 - Sympathy for the Devil
This is another carcast while I'm on my way to pick up the Peanut from her grandparents late at night.
Doing some pontificating during the drive on basic irrelavent issues and wasted valuable time for the show.
Playing "The Doctor Who (Multidimensional Mix)" by Chris Adams aka Hardwire in the middle of the show as well as "Doctor Who - Mergeance (Opening Theme)" in the opening.

I did review "Sympathy for the Devil" starring David Warner as the Doctor and Nicholas Courtney as the retired Brigadier. Not a great performance by either of the lead stars, but a well-written story. Lots of references to the episodes of U.N.I.T. adventures during the Pertwee and T. Baker eras. Good plotline and lots of surprises. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but do invite you to listen to it.
One note of contention was in the role of Colonel Woods - portrayed by a little known actor by the name of David Tennant.
We'll be back later this week with another Whocast and a review of the Sonic Screwdriver and TARDIS Phone Alert.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Whocast #30 - 10.13.05

Hey There Everybody!!!

This TARDIS crew (The Peanut and myself) have travelled through time and space to materialize in a new location/homebase. We are now broadcasting out of Minneapolis, MN, where my job has taken me. We are now completely moved here and that was the "personal stuff" that was keeping me busy over the past few weeks. But we are here now and have put a new Whocast together for you.

I am going over some emails/feedback from the past few weeks. I have also played "Doctor Who - Toxic Adventurer" by Dancing Rat from Whomix Radio. Great remix - it's the only way I can listen to Brittany Spears. Plus as a sidenote, just after he put this up on the Whomix Radio site, Episode 2, The End of the World, came out and this song (the original) was played on Cassandra's iPod (I don't think it was a Video iPod by the looks of it...)

I'm sorry, but again, I didn't end up getting to Doctor Who - Unbound #2, but I will next show.

I have but up a "Links" Section on the webpage, but I need your help. Please get me your podcasts and websites, so that I can create a "Listener's Links" section to help promote your shows and blogs.

Please keep giving me your audio comments and feedback so that I can play them on the show. This is what I'm hearing from other listeners, that they really enjoy about the show. If you have written to me about wanting more listener's reviews, then you need to get me a review yourself. Be Brave! I gave audio feedback a shot, and ended up creating a podcast.

Thanks for everything and talk to you soon!


My Odeo Channel (odeo/a9004d02dab01ddc)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Whocast #29 - 10.08.05

This is a quick, down and dirty Whocast tonight.

I do apologize about the post not being as complete, but I will get it better in the next few days!

Tonight you talk about your reviews: Joel Aarons gives a review on Peter Davison's 1st season - Season 19.
Ari B. gives us a review of his brand-new Sonic Screwdriver and the Big Finish Production - Terra Firma.

Tonight's music is by Nick from Whomix Radio: Dr. Who Evolution and Doctor Who - Regenerations. Please visit Whomix Radio or subscribe to them on iTunes.

Be back next week with another Whocast!


Monday, October 03, 2005

Whocast #28 - 10.03.05

Primarily Doctor Who news, music and emails/commentary on this episode.

Here is a snapshot of David Tenant in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire courtesy of

Here are some links to coverage of the Regenerations Convention this past weekend - BBC & IcWales.

A great remix of the Doctor Who Theme (Time Tunnel Mix) by Hardwire - Please visit their website and listen to more of their music.

Michael and Sarah have posted their commentary for "The Parting of the Ways" - Mature Language in this - so be warned.

The TSFPN forum for us is up and running - Please visit it and participate with your comments and pontifications. This show's topic poll is "What is your favorite new series toy?" Post your vote at the forum.

I may not have another Whocast for this week, so I apologize in advance if I can't get to it.

Until next time...
