Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Whocast #3 - 05.11.05

Reviewing Episode #6 - "Dalek"

Probably the BEST EPISODE OF ALL TIMES - 5 TARDIS out of 5.
Bringing back the Doctor's greatest enemy after all these years is a triumph for all Doctor Who fans out there. You'll hear my synopsis of this episode, with also some comments emailed to me from my buddy, Brad, out in Seattle. THIS TRULY IS DOCTOR WHO!


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Anonymous said...

Oh! There you are! Somehow the fact that you'd started the Whocast totally escaped me. I downloaded #1 and 3 last night and was able to listen today.

I'm confused... Did the TV show come before the movies? Is it the same character? In the movies Dr. Who is just a nice old man, a scientist... How does that tie in?

I enjoyed episode 6, Dalek, but maybe not as much as you did. For my money, #2 End of the World is still the best, but after listening to your show and learning lots of background that I didn't know, I can see why you feel that way. Oh, definitely a 5 on a scale of 5, but #2 squeaks by for me - just a little.

It's that background info that I so dearly need. I watched some of the Tom Baker shows and listened to several of the "radio" shows (that I think are still in production) but there is SO much I need to learn to fully understand and enjoy the shows. Your podcasts are helping.

I couldn't seem to get #2a and #2b. Am I the only one?


Brad said...

Hi Bruce!

I liked End of the World, but there were things about it that really reached back to the roots of early Doctor Who (being a children's show and all) -- especially the aliens.

While Tom hasn't had a chance to review it yet, Father's Day (08) is definitely my favorite, hands down. But since we're talking about Dalek, I will put in my 2 cents and agree with Tom also - this was a 5 out of 5. Maybe a 9 out of 10 if I can go there.

The designs were awesome, the Dalek was perfection, and the story was pure DW. What I like about this new show is that it's accessible to people who don't have the massive background that people like Tom and I do, but at the same time, feeds little tidbits to the rabid fans (like Tom and I) that keep us giddy.

The pacing is also done very well - they cram just enough into 45 minutes to make it a fun ride without being rushed. My complaints are very minor so far, and aren't worth mentioning here yet.

Tom, one suggestion I might have, since Bruce has mentioned that he's seen the episode too, is maybe to spend less time giving a rundown of the episode in the podcast. Maybe instead giving a synopsis or summary of the high points, then getting to the nitty gritty: which is your massive expertise and background info on the Doctor and the DW universe. Since we had seen the episode (and I would assume most visiting the blog also have too), we're probably both fast-forwarding to your comments at the end. Tie-ins and background on the stories from your expert perspective would keep at least this listener glued for the whole podcast! :)

Also another cool idea would be to have you suggest 2 or 3 related DW episodes to watch ("if you liked this one, you'll love Resurrection of the Daleks from the Davidson years," for example). Just some ideas!


The Professor said...

As the Doctor would say..."Fantastic"

That's what I'd been thinking about doing, since reviewing the entire episode takes up the entire podcast. That is what I'll start doing with my Father's Day review - Have a lot of possible tie-in's with Big Finish Audio and also past shows.

Let me know what you think of it.

Just watched Father's Day also - 5 TARDIS out of 5 - we'll talk more later!
