Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Whocast #6 - 05.25.05

Reviewing Episode #9 - The Empty Child
First part of a two-parter. I rate it 4 TARDIS out of 5
Also going over email and comments from the website.


No shownotes yet


Zach said...

Just finished listening to the podcast right now.

Out in Seattle I have joined a new Doctor Who club were we started out watching the CBC airings, but have migrated to watching copies of the BBC airings. Anyone in the Seattle area feel free to say "Hi" and join us at our next event.

Yesterday we watch Father's Day and The Empty Child. There wasn't a dry eye in the house after Father's Day. And by the time we got to The Empty Child the "nice bottom" scene was a nice laugh.

I think you made a small error while driving since Steven Moffat didn't write Father's Day, but Paul Cornell did. Steven wrote The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances.

But on that note you mention how many of the writers for season 1 have writen Doctor Who outside of the series, and I thought I would just make a list of the major Doctor Who works of all the writers (that I can think of)

Paul Cornell -
Considered the definative NA Writer
Big Finish writer
creator of Bernice Summerfield

Steven Moffat -
the short story "Continuity Errors" in Decalog 3 (one of my favorite Who short stories BTW)
Curse of Fatal Death (Comedy Special)

Mark Gatiss -
big finish
Who Night Sketches

Robert Shearman -
big finish audios including Jubilee ('Dalek' version 1)

Russell T. Davies -
Damaged Goods (NA)

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I'm from th UK and its great to see you the yanks are enjoying new who as much as we brits.

I've been a whonatic since I watched the cybermen come out of the sewers in the Invasion aged 5. Its great that I can now watch my children cower behind the sofa!

The empty child was really spooky, it had just the right tone to scare children and adults alike, and did it with simple atmosphere instead of buckets of gore. Hollywood are you listening!
Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've got a new favorite now! It's this two part episode with Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. Great show. Should be made into a feature film to show to non Who fans. No doubt it would win them over. Excellent! And the new character Jack? Great character and ripe for a spinoff if you ask me. Maybe that's where Billie Piper is going when she leaves early next season? Hmmm?