Monday, February 27, 2006

Whocast #43 - 02.28.06

This wonderful picture of the TARDIS, K-9 and the Time Reapers is courtesy of Emma Gibbons from Dover, N.H. Thanks to her father, Paul, for providing us with it! FANTASTIC!

We have a review of "Do You Have A License To Save This Planet" and commentary of Whocast #4o by Shayne Artis. This Week in Who by Ari B. A number of great emails from you as well as some fantastic links.

Also got some news on the Doctor Who Front - The teaser/commercial for Doctor Who on the Sci-Fi Channel is now being broadcast. You can see it here, thanks to Charles Geer. Also Eve Miles (Gwyneth from The Unquiet Dead) has now been cast along side John Barrowman in Torchwood.

Some links from the Whocast:
1) Regenerations-X by Danny Stewart at the Doctor Who Theme Repository (thanks to Colin Bordley) This is the remix of the Christmas Invasion theme with Middle Eight, that you all have been asking about.
2) Kopic's Doctor Who News (thanks to Simon Mills)
3) A Lego Diorama of the Tenth Doctor, Rose, The TARDIS and a Dalek (thanks to James T Haney aka allazar)
4) PositionHigh - Mark's website who did the wonderful remix of the 7th Doctor Theme that I played a few shows back

We'll be back shortly with more news, emails and reviews for your listening pleasure!



Anonymous said...

hi to tom and to all doctor who fans,

i wanted to tell that the link to my positionhigh site isn´t .com but .de.
the full link is:

regards, mark

Kopic said...

Thanks for the namecheck to Kopic's Doctor Who News Service!

--Simon (aka Kopic!)

Michael said...

There's more information about the launch party in Minnesota here.