7 Days and Counting...
K9 and Sarah Jane Spinoff...Mark 2?!? Peter Kay on Doctor Who?!? The Dalek Conquests?!?
This is just some of the news that we will be covering in today's show.
We also have some of your emails, and some voicemails from Skype.
Michael Hickerson gives us a link to a new Dalek on-line game: www.dalektron.org Remember, this is for PC's only, not available for Macintosh (That SUCKS!!!)
A correction of PositionHigh's website from www.positionhigh.de, not .com as I had previously stated. Here is the proper link!
I'll be following up before next week's premiere of Doctor Who on the Sci-Fi channel. I have a couple of ideas, that I would like to bounce off you all for future shows.
Until then...Enjoy!
I was reading the Friday, March 10th edition of the Des Moines Register when I came across the attached article, “The Doctor is in?” So I scanned it in for you guys. And here is a link to the online article: http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060310/LIFE01/603100346/1039/LIFE
The article discusses the old and new series and the Iowa Public Television airing old Dr. Who’s, as well as a sidebar on the upcoming April 15th “Exiled in Iowa 14: 7 Years of the Universal Network of Iowan Timelords (UNIT)” The DM Register forgot to include the following link to the Iowa Timelords: http://www.iowantimelords.com
Hey, Tom. Podcast #44 has an invalid link. I had to copy another mp3 link and type the second 4 to hear your podcast.
The link has been corrected. Thanks for the heads-up.
Hey...getting caught up on the Podcasts. I promised a while ago to send you some stuff and I need to get off my complacency and do it.
Anyway, I have to admit part of me is a bit concerned about the proposed spin-offs. I think it's great but I do wonder if we could be oversaturing the market and if the divided interest of RTD will cause a decline in the quality....
I hope not, but it is a concern.
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