Time to get back behind your desks for a review of "School Reunion"
The return of Sarah-Jane Smith and K-9 (Mark III) has surpassed everyone's expectations.
A fabulous episode, the best so-far this season for Doctor Who.
I tried to keep the review as spoiler-free as possible, so those who have not seen it, should enjoy it!
I do rate it 5 TARDIS out of 5 for storytelling, intrigue and suspense.
We also have a theme remix by James Gilmore from Great Britain!
We'll talk to you real soon!
Great show, will the mp3 of the intro's be made available?
I tried to find your e-mail but couldn't, so I'm leaving you a comment instead...
I just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that we posted a Doctor Who parody on our sci-fi video-podcast, Galacticast. You can check it out at the following link:
I just wanted to check if everything was okay or if the upload limit had just been broken again. There haven't been any podcasts or contests in a while, so I was just wondering. Hope all is well.
I miss your podcast, hope everyrhing is o.k.
Hi Tom,
Its been a while since we have heard from you. Hope everything is okay. Is so, please post a short message, as I know there are plenty of people worrying for you. If you have decided to cease production of yout excellent podcast please also let us know.
Best wishes
Hi Tom -
Miss the podcasts - hope everything is okay with you and the munchkin.
Can you post something on the site to let us know you're still alive?
Missing your podcasts Tom, hope all is well.
Oh well, it was great while it lasted. I'm out of here. Going, going...gone
Tom, have enjoyed your podcast, I really hope you are okay, if you are I think you owe your listeners a brief update just to let them know you are.
I hope all is well...lots of people are getting concerned. Please drop a line if at all possible to let us know you're OK.
I tried to add myself to the Frappr map, but I kept getting "Wrong Code" over and over, despite entering the correct one. Oh well, anyhoo... I'm in Mapleton, Ontario. Keep up the great work. I know it's not BBC standard broadcasting, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you love it!
I was looking for a way to email you, but can't find an address. I have some MP3s for you. Short ones, related to your Doctor Who Themes podcasts. Some music you don't have.
Well this podcast died a quick horrible death. Whatever happened?
hope you are ok and that you will restart the podcasts!
hey tom longtime buddy, brian ARSR078
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