Reviewing Episode#10 - "The Doctor Dances"
2nd part of a two-parter! I rate it 5 TARDIS out of 5
FANTASTIC!!! It seems that the even number episodes (like the Star Trek movies) have been the best (with the exception of "Aliens of London" - #4 and Star Trek #8, whose title I have forgotten)
Best quote: "And everybody lives, Rose...Everybody LIVES!!"
Going over email and comments from the blogs
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I have to agree with you, Tom - the "everybody lives, just this once" segment of the episode was great. I didn't see the ending coming - and it's brilliant. Yet another great two-parter! I agree with Bruce... this would make a great spin-off, and is definitely a great standalone episode to show someone who didn't know Doctor Who that well. I also feel the same way about Father's Day.
A snip from an email I sent you a month ago (obviously I was on the right track when you add in Nancy):
I'm happy to see there's a pattern forming where the "linchpin" characters in each episode are strong females. It's true of every episode so far with the exception of Dalek... You have Jabe the tree in The End of the World, Gwyneth the seer in The Unquiet Dead, Harriet Jones, the future PM in Aliens of London/WW3, and Cathica the reporter in The Long Game. In each episode, these characters stepped up during a key moment to make a life-changing decision to save the world. Rose did so in the pilot. Even Van Statten's personal assistant takes over at the end of Dalek, but I don't think we can really count that one! Still, an exciting pattern to see and hats off to Russell T. Davies for writing it in. I just hope he's doing it on purpose.
Anyway, great stuff. I am really enjoying this season! I was hoping we'd be done with the Slitheens, but maybe Boom Town will surprise me. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances DEFINITELY did!
Enjoyed your comments on the episode. Several parts you forgot to mention: I loved Doctor Costantine, it was nice to see him come back. I loved Jacks snide comments about the doctor's screwdriver being sonic, and being useful for building shelves, and the allusions to the banana adventure were hilarious. There was still a lot of suspense in the episode, the scene in the child's "room" listening to the tape was wonderful, as was the scene with nancy watching the guard break down. Oh, and I loved what captain jack did when he realized he was going to die, his comments about his past executioners were hilarious!
I'm still a bit confused with some of story points. Why did the homeless boy who was writing a letter on the typewriter disappear, we heard that the empty child could appear/disappear, but I didn't think he could just yank other people away. Also why didn't Nancy get infected when she was trapped with the contaminated guard, they mentioned that the disease was airborne by then. Seemed rather convenient that none of the main characters got infected.
Overall a wonderful episode, a great SF explanation for the whole horror setup of the first half, it all made sense in the end.
I'm looking forward to that review of the first episode of doctor who ("an unearthly child"). I'd also love to hear you thoughts on the first Dalek episode, since it seems like such an important episode in the history of the series.
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