Saturday, January 14, 2006

Whocast #39 - 01.14.06

I was going to be a show about the musical scores for the show...BUT GUESS WHAT!!! WE GET TO SEE DOCTOR WHO IN THE GOOD OLD U.S.of A. YEEHAAH!

I was doing the show on the road with a 10 minute monologue, then got the news about the new series showing up on the SciFi Network and could not let this go unmentioned.

Here are the links to the various webpages with the press release: Outpost Gallifrey, SciFi Channel, BBC News, Chicago Tribune, and even a quick blurb in the Hollywood Reporter!

We did get another "This Week in Who" by Ari B. He reviews "The Two Doctors" on DVD and "Doctor Who: The Legend Continues" - a table book.

We'll get to the themes next Whocast!


1 comment:

Brad said...


Thanks for bringing this to my attention! It made my day. I haven't been watching the wires, but I have been checking your site every day. So it was a nice surprise.

I can't wait to get everyone else watching this show now!! I predict a huge hit.