Saturday, January 28, 2006

Whocast #40 - 01.28.06

FINALLY...The Doctor Who Theme Podcast - Part One!

The theme which is so unique that it has been recognized by people around the world, as easily as other themes like Star Trek, Star Wars, MASH and the like.
I review and discuss the evolution of the Doctor Who theme and the variations from the 1st 4 Doctors.

There is a great website by Mark Ayres on the history of the Doctor Who Theme.
I encourage you to check it out.

We also enjoy a review of the ReelTime Production of Auton by our listener from Down Under - Shayne Artis.

We'll get to Doctors 5, 6, 7 & 8 next time.



Anonymous said...

Wow, this is excellent! Best Podcast Who ever IMHO! Can't wait for part ][ of "theme songs". Thanks Tom!

Greg Deeter
Houston Texas

Anonymous said...

Tom - See here :

To: Greg@Deeter.US
Subject: Reply to your message on the Doctor Who Technical Forum
From: Technical Forum
X-Spam-and-Virus-Scanned: by Boomspeed.Com Spam-and-Virus System

Someone has replied to your message on the Doctor Who Technical Forum.

To view the message and reply go to

A copy of their message is below:

From: Joel Henderson
Subject: A correction.

The middle 8 IS present on the following Baker episodes

The Invasion of Time 3,5,6
The Armaggedon Factor 6

These episodes used the 1"30' version of the theme tune introduced on The Ambassadors of Death in 1970.

Greg Deeter
Houston Texas

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
In iTunes episode #39 has a release date of 15/12/06 and this is pushing the new episode #40 below it, I think by default iTunes is set to only download the newest episode, so some listeners may have to go in and download it manually.

Anonymous said...

Excellent podcast Tom, loved hearing about the differences in the themes from the first 4 Doctors :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant stuff Tom, I'm a huge fan of 60's Who and consider those theme tunes the best of the series. I also enjoy Pertwees and Tom Bakers versions. It seemed to go all downhill after that until the 9th Doctor I thought.