Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sorry about the DownTime!!!

Hey Everyone,

Sorry about the downtime for the past 3 weeks (now going on 4)! Lots of personal matters have limited any extra time that I would normally have for podcasting to NULL! (A 20th High School Reunion, Recovery from said High School Reunion, New Personel at Work, among the things limiting my time)

I hope to have a podcast for you this weekend. I have been receiving your emails and will try to respond to them as much as possible!

All is not lost, The Professor will return shortly!

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

This is a excellent blog. Keep it going. Here's a subject that interests many; good friday sermon in respect to info on good friday sermon

Brad said...

You MIGHT think the good friday sermon link from "anonymous" is spam, BUT it does have Podcast Who significance!

How, you ask?

Seyed Bahram Mirkalami (see pic) is a SONTARAN!! Check him out!!!

Bruce R said...

Hooray! Glad everything's okay. It has been hectic here as well, I imagine it's just that time of year...

See ya' soon.

Michael Hickerson said...

Just glad to know you didn't slip into a coma watching Web Planet in one sitting...LOL

Anonymous said...

Hmm... letting "real life" intrude on things? How could you!!!

The Professor said...

I think you're right about the Sontaran picture...YIKES!!!


Anonymous said...

Now I want to watch "The Deady Assassin."

Anonymous said...

The Web Planet is much maligned - maybe it would have worked better as a 2 parter ;p

Michael Hickerson said...

Actually, I think Web Planet is much maligned by me...I tend to be vocal in my dislike of it...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to know you're still breathing. I've been watching Trial of a Time Lord for the first time and enjoying it, when I'm not cringing at the bad writing, that is. Personally, I care elss about you responding to everyone's e-mail, and hope that you have time to do more reviews of Doctor Who episodes. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

But the Web Planet used some state of the art filming techniques (the vaseline on the camera lens, for example) that were later used as a template for US TV like Moonlighting

Anonymous said...

asa, if you like the trial concepts, you might find the Big Finish Gallifrey series' to be your cup of tea.