Saturday, July 16, 2005

Whocast #17 - 07.16.05

Hey Folks,

Sorry about the long wait, but I've finally got some time to get things straightened out for tomorrow. I figure that we'd do the conference call around 3:30pm EST (12:30pm PST, 8:30 GMT) That's when my daugher will be taking her nap and I can do this uninterrupted. I know that not everyone can make it, but this is really a test run to see what we can do with Skype. I've put everybody I have received Skype names from in my list and will try to conference them in. If you want to join in and I haven't got your Skype name, look for Tom Dillahunt or dilly13 in Skype and call me around that time tomorrow and we'll get you in.

Also go over to and vote for Slice of Sci-Fi, The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, and the Richard Vobes Radio show. These are great podcasts that I subscribe to and there are more for you to vote for, if you like others. Let's just get out the vote.

I'll get to all the email, forum news and other things on later this week.

I enjoy talking to all of you tomorrow!


1 comment:

Michael Hickerson said...

Rats...I couldn't make it...stupid real world interfering with my on-line time again...LOL