Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Whocast Special Edition #2 - 07.27.05

This is a Special Edition of Podcast Who (with special guest-star Dani, the Wonder Girl, who didn't want to stay in bed while I did the podcast!)

I'm covering all the emails, comments and posts that I have not included in the podcasts over the past 2-3 weeks, as well as getting your podcasts and websites out there for the rest of our listening audience to get to know. So bear with me over the next few days as I get them incorporated into the website.

Have a review of This Week in Doctor Who by Ari B. Also a synopsis of "Doctor Who: Inside the TARDIS" with Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Katy Manning in Sydney, Australia by Shenysys (Douglas Alexander) from our Forum.

Here are some of the links I've been promising you:

Bruce Rosenberger's podcast: KomicsKast
Lady Ozma's blog:
Brad Shigenaka's blog: The Red Shirt Diaries
Darcy Burnard's podcast: The Darcy and Holly Show

Here is also the link to the Regenerations Clips/Video.

That's about all for now!



Anonymous said...

The video link doesn't seem to work.

Michael Hickerson said...

Hey! Ambassadors of Death is not out on DVD yet, nor does it look like it will be out for a bit. It exists complete in the b&w prints and an off-air color copy that has some issues with it. They tried to recolor it like they did with Silurians a few years back and a couple of eps are complete and on the VHS release. But because of this, it would take a LOT of work to get on DVD and so it won't be out any time soon.

Pertwee on DVD:
Spearhead from Space
Claws of Axos (only in the UK)
Three Docs
Carnvial of Monsters
Green Death

Anonymous said...

Hey, found a way to get the your podcasts via iTunes.

If you're in the USA, open iTunes, go to the Music Store - go down to the bottom of the page and change the store to the UK store then subacribe to the podcast - then switch it back to the USA store. It works great!

Thanks Tom - really have been enjoying your podcasts!

Vivian the Whovian!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,
Enjoyed the show, and was surprised /delighted, that you mentioned my little podcast and have posted the link. Thank you. I've downloaded Lady Ozma's two shows and look forward to listening to those. Will try the others as time allows.

Anonymous said...

I didn't record any of the show, got too carried away taking mental notes for my review I did on your message board !.


Michael Hickerson said...


Thanks for the reading of my e-mail in the podcast. :)

Keep up the good work.

A friend and I who are big Who fans (in fact, we called our fan club of two that grew to three) the Gods of Ranga Rock for a while..) have done a podcast/commentary on two eps of the new show...Rose and Dalek. I will let you know when those go live--she is having some issues getting them on-line. I hope you and your listeners will give us a listen as I beg Nicola Bryant to call me...(don't just have to hear it).


Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,

Thanks so much for airing my bit! I've told my friends about it, hopefully it'll get you some new listeners.

___________________________________ said...

Still no joy on episode 2a. I've been trying to d/l the backlog of shows that I missed and it seems that one is still cursed. Anybody have some luck and can email it to me?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
I’ve only just started listening from show 18, the recent Tardis history episodes have been great.

You’ve mentioned on the last two shows that you wanted to make an enhanced podcast for iTunes, have you tried ChapterToolMe? it’s a GUI for apples chapter tool beta.

You can download it at the developers site

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed hearing your little one! Got excited to hear you plug my podcast and plan to check out some of the other podcasts you talked about!

Sorry I disappeared, I got sucked into the house hunting (found one, move in September yay), back to school shopping (already???), pta stuff (just who's idea was it for me to join the board of the PTA at school?), kid adventures for the summer, and of course that darned british wizard, Harry Potter (finished the new book...wooot!)

I'm cathing up though on all my podcasts though the kids have had me going nuts squeezing in Pocket and the Pendant as well... LOL It never ends around here! :)

Now I'm gonna get back to listening to you finally getting back to that review of Unearthly child!

Anonymous said...

For a bit more information on restoration of old episodes, you might like to take a look at the RT website.