Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Whocast #13b - 06.22.05

Here is the 2nd part of our review of "The Parting of the Ways"

We are also very proud to be a Charter Member of The Sci-Fi Podcast Network.
Please visit the site at

More information to come!



Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem to be downloading correctly. I end up with a small (less than 4k) file that doesn't do anything.

Anonymous said...

The file seems to be offline, or else the link is bad. I'm sure he will fix it soon.

Anonymous said...

The file is there, the URL is just wrong. The correct URL is:

I'm sure Tom was just a bit tired by the time he finished recording and uploading the podcast.

Anonymous said...

Tom, feel free to go back and edit, or delete these posts. But in case anyone is trying to download the podcast in the wee hours of the dawn, i wanted to post the correct URL. It seems that URLs don't past well into the comment windows.

That URL should be:

with that address all on one line.

Anonymous said...

Hey from across the pond in Ireland, glad to see a US view on Doctor Who. Really enjoyed the new series, even got Realm interested in it, she cried when Chris changed into David Tennant. He doesn't look the part but we shall see at Xmas wont we, and maybe find out what Bad Wolf is all about.

Only really just started on the podcasts, so catching up now. Hope this isn't going to end now - keep it up, maybe if its a less regular podcast with news or discussing older episodes.

Brad said...


This is an aside - I am trying to send email to your personal account (actually in response to a message you sent me) and Mail is bouncing it back as Spam - AGAIN! Oy.


PS I'm still gathering my thoughts for some ranting about the finale...

The Professor said...

Sorry about the mixup on the URL for the podcast. I was very tired when I finished setting it up. Should be fixed now. Thanks for the feedback!


Anonymous said...

Just finished listening to 13B. Another corker! (mine downloaded fine) I gree whole heartedly with you about the music. The series has had excellent music, but this episode was just outstanding, and evoked the mood perfectly. We've come a long way since Dudley Simpson!! Finally was this the beest Doctor transormation ever? Right up there with Bill Hartnell/Pat Troughton!

Michael Hickerson said...

I don't tbink this was the best regneration story of all time...that honor still goes to Caves of Androzani..but of course who could beat Robert HOlmes? But it's miles better than Planet of spiders.