Tuesday, June 14, 2005


As the BBC Official Doctor Who website stated this week...STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!!

I FULLY AGREE WITH THEM (except for listening to this podcast!)

With the final episode of Doctor Who coming up this Saturday, there is bound to be leaks as to the identity of "Bad Wolf" and the ending of the series. We will cover some of these things on tonight's podcast, but I encourage all of you not to delve into any spoilers about the series, as it will definitely spoil all the hard work that Russell T. Davies put into this series and this storyline.

It will definitely make Saturday all that more enjoyable.

Thanks for letting me put in my 2¢ worth!



Anonymous said...

Love the podcast except can't listen to all of them as they would be spoilers for me.
Only have shown up to episode 4 here in Australia (Alien Invasion).
July this year there is going to be a Dr Who theatre production with Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy & Katy Manning (Who now calls Down Under home ) appearing on stage & talking about their experiences in Dr Who. This will be followed by a question time where memebers of the audience can ask them questions.
Keep on the great work & be hanging out to hear another exciting episode of Whocast.


The Professor said...


Thanks for listening. I know that your broadcasts are way behind, but please be patient and keep email/posting your thoughts on the episodes. There are a lot of spoilers in this podcast, so please be careful, when listening.

Thanks again!