Reviewing 2nd Episode of 10,000 B.C - The Cave of Skulls
This is the very first video podcast that I have attempted. It did take me over 5 hours to create, so if I can't get the creation time down, then it may be the last one.
I even shaved for this podcast.
Let me know what you think.
UPDATED 06/24/05
Here is the link to the video feed only!
Nice job, Tom! I'll say that I didn't open the file in iTunes so I don't know if that works OK or not... I watched the file in Safari and it worked fine. Like the hat.
Really appreciate the clips, but if it adds hours to your production time, maybe you shouldn't worry about it. As I've said before, the meat of the podcast is in your commentary.
Maybe stills would be easier. I know those are much easier to drop in with iMovie, once you've extracted the audio, you don't have to mess with that part. Just a thought.
I wonder how it would work to do a conference through iChat, if you could film that somehow and use it as a podcast. Wouldn't that be fun? You could get a few of us on there. That would be wacko cool.
About my iPod - I certainly haven't forgotten where you work.... I've just been trying to acquire one through, since I'm still sort of unemployed... Kim's not really that hot on me spending another chunk of money on another piece of hardware right now! :) I've got to be patient, or start buying scratch tickets I guess...
PS I had a thought last night, and I only bring it up because it can't be true. But wouldn't it be just absolutely wacko cool if Bad Wolf turned out to be the Master? I say yes!
I like your stills idea so want to second them. It might be worth a whirl for Tom to at least try out. And maybe he can save the videos for "special occasions" or something as opposed to weekly? Anyway, I just wanted to second the idea on the stills!
Bad Wolf as the Master? I love it!!!
Good luck with getting your free ipod. I've been trying that as well! (I just this week finally got my fifth person... so we shall see now!)
--Lady Ozma
Well we can now see from the preview to the finale that Bad Wolf is most decidedly someone even more exciting than the Master! I can't wait!!!
Brad have you watched the epidoe yet? I just finished it and I must say, I'm 30 years old and hiding behind my freaking sofa. Dang that was one scary ending!!! I don't want to say anything more... I've got a blanket over my head and I'm behind my sofa biting my fingernails!!!
OK... so it isn't the Master... but it is definately exciting. Perhaps we can have The Master next season?
I can't wait to hear what Tom has to say. Tom, you out there? Gosh, I hope he's not hiding...
I'll be crawling from out behind the recliner tonight to give my feedback on the episode!
Woah. It's always odd when you listen to a radio personality and then see what they actually look like. The discontinuity is always a bit jarring. You look great, of course, ;-) but not at all what I assumed.
Personally I'd rather you do more podcasts with good commentary and analysis, than spend long hours getting a video cast to work. I use my ipod mostly, which makes the video version less useful, and audio clips of the episode are almost as good as video ones for me. Also .mp3 files are smaller and much more portable then videos, two things about podcasts that I think you lose if you switch to videos.
But for special occasions, it can be a nice treat. I just would rather have more episodes covered in podcasts, rather then only have a few videos.
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