Here is Contest 4 for the episode "Aliens of London".The winner will receive a $10.00 gift certificate from
the Doctor Who StoreAll entries must be submitted via email to
podcastwho@gmail.com no later than
April 5th by 5:00pm CST.The entry with the most correct answers will win the prize.
If there are multiple entries with the same number of correct answers, then those entries will be placed in a hat and one entry will be randomly drawn to receive the prize.
The answers for which I am looking are extremely specific.
My answers are final. All answers can be found in viewing the episode "Aliens of London".
Here are the questions - They will not be printed on the website. You will only hear them in the podcast or in the Lyrics features in iTunes.
The answers will be given next week.
Question 1: What is the license plate of the police car carrying the General?
Question 2: What is the name of the BBC reporter at the embankment and the hospital?
Question 3: What is the name of the complex where Jackie, Rose and Mickey live?
Question 4: What is the Alien Emergency Helpline number?
Question 5: How deep in the ocean was the radiation signature detected?
Question 6: What time was Big Ben hit?
Question 7: What time does Jackie call the Alien Emergency Helpline?
Question 8: What does the young punk paint on the side of the TARDIS?
Question 9: What number do you call if you've seen Rose?
Question 10: Who kept Oliver "busy"?
Good Luck and Enjoy!